Sunday, 26 January 2014

Wolfgang Weingart

Here we shall be looking at one of the most influential postmodern graphic designers, wolfgang Weingart.

He was a teacher at the Switaerland Basel school of design which was a great starting point within his voiews on postmodern graphic design.


He was influenced by pure geometry of rectangles. Having such a simple starting point is a way of thinking shared by many graphic designers. Weingart had what one would call a ‘stair stepping’ visual idea as we can see in the image above, this will be copied by many different designers becoming atrademark of postmodern graphic design.

When it came to the swiss movement weingart questioned the use of orger and its cleanliness, he wanted to explore lead him to question the rules of typoigraphy. As a resuly his works had a certain energy to them and used a lot of texture. He experimented with collage and combining layers of film and merging images and textures, overprinting colours, wide letter spacing and type within bars. Such experiments lead to new style works and allowed him to be more creative with every approach. Though after all his experimentation he still kept loyal to the most famous typeface Helvetica.

In todays age weingar is a teacher and no longer designs.

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