Sunday, 26 January 2014

Infograpgic connections

I shall now be showing the connections I’ve made between the different movements within graphic design. The chosen movements where constructivism (El Leissitzky), Dada (john Heartfield), Psychedelic (Wes Wilson), Punk (Jamie Reid) and Grunge (David Carson)

I basically chose these movements because they were the original rebellious movement’s within graphic design history. From Dada to Grunge we see the true rebellious ways. On the other hand constructivism was a lot more orderly within their designs and typography. But it is important to note the reason why I chose constructivism amongst these movements, and that reason is the fact that it still rebelled against art in its own unique way and that was rejecting the idea of art for arts sake and replacing it with art for a purpose.

Therefore the first step was to show how constructivism differed and slightly matched the other movements. The first step was recognizing the fact that both constructivism and dada rejected art vin their own way. Constructivists rejected art for arts sake whilst dada rejected art in general. Constructivism, dada and psychedelic came out of periods of war and revolution. Another similarity with dada is the fact that they both made use of photomontage. Now we have to see how constructivism opposed the other movements. We see this through Lessitzkys famous works, they were very much comprised of geometric shapes simple forms had there was almost always a sense of order this was also seen within his typography, on the other hand the other movements lost most sense of order both within their poster and within their type. Typography got to the point where it was barely legible within the psychedelic 60s and within the grunge movement we see typography which is completely illegible (this was because David Carson believed that type could speak for its self without the viewer having to read it).

When it came to the dada movement we see a lack of colour within Hearfields works which is a common aspect shared with Carsons Grunge typography. Typography no shows pure rebellion in which all the movements mentioned after dada show no organization or grid work behind their type. Dada also differed from the other movements because it was the only movement which technically speaking took no inspiration form other movements. All the movements mentioned combined imagery and type to form some of their works.

Within the psychedelic era we see the use of bright colours which is very much indigenous of the punk scene. Socially we also see that from psychedelia onwards it was all about youth rebellion. The punk scene rebelled in a way again the psychedelic art by blocking up its type. Wilsons type was very flowing and bubbly whilst Reids type adapted a ransom note style which further influenced the grunge movement.

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