Sunday, 26 January 2014

Stefan Sagmeister

Sagmeister is just one example of todays modern graphic designers. This graphic designer is always looking for new and original ways to create his art works. In his opinion a mistake modern graphic designers are making today is that they use too many short cuts. Like many others before his Stefan specializes in both ‘graphic design’ and typography.


In these two cases we see how Stefan has pushed the boundaries for typography to a new level. Creating these slightly dark images. Clearly inspired from grunge typography; this is due to the facts that the letters have the authenticity of hand writing (or hand carved in this case). Ironically he took combining text and image to a whole new level, turning them into a single object, turning the human body into a canvas, it is the same concept as a tattoo artist. Putting originality aside, the works look good, they have that raw look which is highly sought after in todays modern day and age. As I have said though these blogs, art is constantly growing, evolving and adapting. Just like Stefan was inspired by different graphic designers, he shall himself inspire other great designers in the future.

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