Sunday, 26 January 2014

April Greiman

Within the field of postmodern graphic design there are many artists worth mentioning but april greiman is one of them, she is perhaps the most well known femal graphic designer. She was one of wolfgang weingarts students who was also inspired by his stair-stepping motifs.


Highly influenced by weingart she shared the same ideaology of free experimentation, but april added a California sensibility, instead of viewing a paper as a 2d plane she vieved it a a 3d space where photography, type and other formal elements can compliment eachother. This was done by juxtaposing, overlaying and tilting images. Another touch she use to add was gestured strokes and shadows. She was also the director of California institute of arts where she fully explained he 3d idealogy.


 Once again Helvetica is the chosen favourite type used by april but she would slightly tweak the letter spacing and use italics. Another experimental technique she use to use was ‘off registration’ (the overlapping of two difeerent colours).


In this particular image, above, we she how Greimans illusion of 3 dimensional spaces work. It was every effective creating a visually appealing image. This is a way that a graphic designer shows their full potential fighting the balance of what has been done and what hasn’t been done.

She was also one of the first designers to use the mac. Through this technology she enhanced the jagged edges of digital type by enlarging it. Another way she was original was by inserting decorative rules, perspective and textures to her finalized works.

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