Sunday, 24 November 2013

Photoshopping berofe Photoshop: John Heartfield

I shall now take a look into John Heartfield’s artworks.

Heartfield lived between; 1891-1968. He is famous for creating wonderful photomontages. As we know there are many different styles of art. Certain periods of time have their dominant art style whilst other periods may have individual artists marking that era standing alone. Art is a form of expression through one of our most vital senses, sight. Therefore an artist’s aim is to create a so called visual eye-candy which would in turn correspond with the brain to think and imagine.

John was an expressionist artist producing some interestingly aggressive illustrations. One of his distinct features is his use of typography in which he combines freely drawn lettering with heavy typefaces.


Here we see how simplicity can have a shockingly powerful message.
This improvised swastika is basically comprised from 3 images; an axe, rope, the background.
One must remember this was all done by hand.
When one looks at the software Photoshop one can clearly see the influence early photomontages had on our digital age.


The message is clear and shocking.
It is amazing to see the skill put into this for it to have not been by any software.
As far as I can tell he uses the same concept of layering when creating such a work. It looks as if Hitler is the first layer then there it’s the x-ray ribs, then the money digestive system. And last but not least this swastika.
He also uses heavy contrast to pop Hitler out of the background.

Sasso F. (2006) Design History: Photo Manipulation Pioneer John Heartfield [online]

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